25 High Resolution PNG People Cutouts For Archviz
This product contains a great selection of 25 different high quality PNG people cutouts, ideal for residential, recreational, shopping and leisure environments.
All photographs were taken with professional 47MP digital cameras for maximum image detail.
Lighting Is So Important!
All Pro-Viz(TM) PNG people cutouts are photographed in bright sunlight. This is IMPORTANT.
We’ve noticed however, that in many other cutout people libraries the lighting looks synthetic and unnatural. Archviz people that are photographed in ‘studio’ lighting conditions don’t blend into the bright sunlit environments used in the majority of architectural visualizations. This is a vitally important feature required to make your architectural CGI’s look as convincingly real as possible.
The Highest Resolutions
Average image size = 1850 x 900 pixels. Total file download size = 41MB. Image format = PNG (with transparent backgrounds) and also Diffuse + Alpha maps in maximum quality JPEG.
Total Compatibility
These cutout images can be used in 2D software (Photoshop, Painter etc.) to composite into an existing render, or in 3D software (3DS Max, Cinema 4D, Blender etc.) to use as ‘billboard’ people, and also CAD software.

View all of our cutout people libraries here!