
Viz-People 3D Traffic v1
First of it’s kind collection of 40 highly detailed and low poly 3D models of vehicles. Developed specially for visualizations with maximum quality and performance! Let us introduce one of our best creations ever!
Multiple Formats
Our collection is fully compatible with the 3Ds Max + Vray, Cinema 4D Vray and Advanced Render. We also added un-textured versions of OBJ and FBX. It is also backward compatible. 3d Traffic v1 will work on 3ds max 2010 and Cinema 4D R11.
Our collection is suitable for many needs. It provides cars, trucks, service vehicles, planes, bikes and boats. With a wide range of different types of vehicles it fit’s perfectly for many purposes. We have made great efforts to develop a balanced and usable collection of 3d vehicles.
Optimized and Highly Detailed
3D Traffic v1 is perfectly balanced between quality and optimization. Our goal was to create the lightest geometry objects possible but keeping all details on a high level. You can easily use all 40 models in one scene without slowing your workstation performance!
Clear and easy Royalty Free Licence
Our royalty free licence guarantees you the best possible use inside your projects. You can use our products inside commercial and free renderings, prints, advertisements, web designs, films, presentations, editorials, online publications and many many more. Also, our products can be used on multiple computers inside your company.
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